Monday, June 16, 2008


End of our street.

5 houses down..water broke basement windows out and they got 6 plus feet in basement!

This is the Van that threw SHAGGY out..

Tyler floating.

In front of our house right after water came much worse!

House behind us.

Basement collapsed..outside hot tub ended up in basement!

Lunch at 12 and dinner at 7 everyday:-)

Well, I have FINALLY uploaded my pictures onto my laptop. I honestly have not had time to do anything that did not involve a mop, shop vac or cooking this week.
This week is getting more back to "normal" for us BUT there are so many that will never have normal again. We drove through a area last night and I was sitting in the car crying and said I am just as sad today as I was a week ago. I am not sad for me..we are sooo DAMN lucky and I am can not complain. Others have everything they have worked for in their yards and NO FLOOD insurance as 95% of us do not live in a flood zone. It is heartbreaking. There was a arcticle in yesterdays paper and the one teacher from school who lost 2 floors of stuff, husband said "it is not the flat screen TV or the big is my kids baptism gowns, baby books and pictures". He said the youngest keeps asking for his Woody (Toy St0ry). We have not pitched a THING that has made me sad..When the water came up the street we got all the pictures and albums upstairs. I even took Hanks moms Chinese paper cutting things off the wall as they have meaning..Nicholas got his Xbox and the computer from down there and we unplugged everything.
We are still doing food for our area:) We "tried" to quit lunches but the look on a few faces we have kept it up. We have said they are not as "dirty" as they use to be when they walked up the street but they are still TIRED. We do lunch at 12 AND dinner at 7 each day. The neighbor 2 doors down did not have a basement so we use her yard and garage and have around 10 coolers of soda, water and gatoraide set up. A table of snack ideas all day and tables and chairs for a break. My excessive shopping has come in REALLY HANDY as I never have 1 of something it is always 6 plus items so that is good. My diet is not doing real well as I am not use to homemade desserts in my face at every meal but today is a new day and I am back to tracking again.
I am doing a different post of Shaggy as I found a few pictures Tyler took of him. I will say I do kinda miss him:) I know Tyler does A LOT!!


Suzanne said...

The kindness you have shown to others is truly amazing ~ I always knew you were that way. Getting back to 'normal' will be easier for others but one day at a time and hopefully most will be better in the end.

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Good God, woman...I can't believe how hard you have worked or the depth of your kindness. You know you rock, don't you?
Can't believe the matter how many pictures I see, I just can't believe it. What about that neighborhood across from yours on Rocky Ford? I can't remember the name of it, but our realtor lives there and I think I heard it was really terrible.