Sunday, March 30, 2008


Friday night was BuNcO and Joanne hosted it at her new house. We ALL had a GREAT time:) She made a GREAT Sangria Punch with fresh fruit and Mojotos. The joke of the night was about her "potty" as it did not have a flush handle it had 2 buttons. You pushed the smaller button for a little flush and the bigger button if you needed the granddaddy of ALL So anytime anyone "went" we always ask if they left or right clicked..No, it does not take much to AMUSE us:) Barb was the big winner with 3 BUNCOS, Jill had most WINS (20 out of 24), Sue had LAST Bunco, Kathy had most LOSES and Joanne got the Thanks for SHOWING up!!! Denise and I showed up with ALMOST the same outfit on. No, it was NOT planned but pretty funny! Samantha has now SUBBED every month since last May. We considered her a regular now. Jills sister Christy and my friend SUZANNE who is moving back from England in 98 days (but whos counting) also subbed!! I have TRIED all *amn day to figure out how to do a video and I have NO idea so here are some pictures.


susanb said...

You looked like you were having a blast!!!

susanb said...
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Suzanne said...

I still have to chuckle at the fact you and Denise were wearing the SAME thing! Yes I know they were different but the look the same to me!!

Liene said...

Looks like Bunco was a blast. I play once or twice a month but would love to play it weekly. I'm an addict. The gals I play with make fun of me because I get so serious.

BTW, I'm an Indiana native and the one in Mel's Three-Word Sunday video who announced her dad is cancer free. Thank you for the very kind words. I am so thankful that the chemo and radiation destroyed his tumor.