First of all, A HUGE Thank You to Suzanne, the women who KNOWS everything (and then moved away:( She has helped me today add some stuff to a BLOG I really do not need but had to have since she has one;) I know if you have read this you have already noticed the Magic 8 ball which ONLY tells the TRUTH....How do I know this, WELL, I ask it if I was going to lose weight and it said YES!!! So go ask the Great GREEN 8 Ball your question and see what he/she has to say to you.
Incase anyone wants to know, I have a NEW favorite place. We just got a Tropical Smoothie Cafe here, and the Sunrise/Sunset with Splenda is WONDERFUL. I figure it out (actually Denise did, but I am good at stealing other peoples credit so we will just say I did;) and it is 3 WW pts. Yum Yum YUM. The man today said the fat buster one is really good so I might actually try that tomorrow. (Rememeber what the Green 8 Ball had to say to me;) Some people have StarBucks, I have Tropical Smoothie Cafe.
It took me forever today to figure out what to make for dinner..drum roll please....
Homemade Mac and Cheese and Meatballs in BBQ and Sweet & Sour Sauce. I went for EASY.
If I knew how to add a picture I would have added a pic on my smoothie since it is the most exciting thing going on right now. BUT till Suzanne shows me that step, NO pictures. I wonder if they have a book for Blogging for Dummies?