Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Spring:)

Today is the FIRST day of Spring and it is a BeAuTiFuL day...I just heard on the radio that is is 76 degrees out:) I went to Lowes this morning and bought some pansies to plant in the planter on my porch and a few in the yard. I am SOOOO ready for Spring. I think Febuary did use ALL in.
I even saw my first chipmunk of the season today too. I said it mocked me as I drove past it and IT said "I am coming to your house and getting in your screened porch and hanging on your doorknob". (Yes I still have my bucket and sunflower seeds waiting to get the next one who decides he wants in MY house...they can stay out but once they try to move in OUT COMES THE BUCKET:)

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