Friday, April 18, 2008

A WHOLE LOT of Shakin' Going On!!!

We had a EARTHQUAKE at 5:39 this morning. I walked in the door from taking Nicholas to swim and Tyler and the dog are standing in the entry WAITING for me!! I said "WHY are you up" he says "the whole house was shaking and their was a LOUD bomb and it woke me up". I am thinking Yeah, right!!! Well a few minutes later my friend** calls CRYING and said "did you feel the earthquake". She called her husband and made him come home from work. The news is saying it was a 5.4! I am shocked and I missed the whole thing!!! I can not wait to hear if Nicholas felt it at the pool. I do have MAJOR mother guilt as Tyler was scared and I was not here!! Where is the H*LL is my husband when I need him..Oh yeah, CHINA!!!
*Maxie has gotten sick 3 times today. My question is if you have a DOG that is LOW to the ground (ok, REALLY low to the ground:) does a Earthquake make them sick. My poor CHUBBY dog does not feel well at all!! She is just LAYING on her pillow with sad eyes. (She wants to know where HANK is too).
**Denise wants me to say she was ONLY crying as she thought her house was falling down the hill she lives on. Lord knows she does not want anyone to think she i s a (ok, are you HAPPY now:)


Suzanne said...

Ok we all know that MAJOR crap happens to your house when he is in China and this is NO different. Poor Maxie....

Pug Mama said...

SCARY! hope your pup feels better!

susanb said...

As soon as I opened my eyes Larry was telling me all about. I hope everyone is OK. The girls want to hear if Nicholas felt it at the pool.

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Oh my God! I read about this on the Indy news! I can't believe you missed it...what were you doing?
Your poor pooch...I don't know what to tell you 'bout that. Thanks for the chuckle this morning! :) Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

I didn't make him come home from work...he had only made it to the gas station down the road. He CHOSE to come home!!! AND I only cried a little because I was RELIEVED....Honestly, I don't know why I'm your friend!