Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More Pictures:)

Updates with PICTURES:)

I finally downloaded my pictures from my camera to my computer from before Christmas to now....No, I still have not used my new camera but it is actually out of the box (Thanks Denise)
Here is the boys at Christmas and the first SNOW of the year...I am sooo ready for Spring and Summer as I HATE COLD weather. The pool place called yesterday and we are opening the POOL April 2nd:) I know it is early but I am hoping it warms up soon.
Me UPDATE...I almost feel like a normal person again. I still get tired if I do to much but I am amazed at how much better I feel. I can FINALLY sleep on my side:):)
Bad news is I have been STUCK at -57/58 for almost 2 weeks...come on scale!!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Colts win....38 to 34!!!!
SuperBowl in 2 weeks.....I am thinking SUPERBOWL PARTY!!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well, it is 6 o'clock in the morning and I am awake so I decided to update my blog:)
I went back to work yesterday, only for 2 hours since our Grant $ was cut in 1/2 so we are only working 2 hours a day, 4 days a week. After my big 2 hours I went to Marsh and then home for a LONG nap. Can I tell you how worn out I was. Today I am going to try Target as I have not been there in over a month.
Lets get back to Marsh....we all know they are having trouble and closing stores. Well, as much as I hate going in WalMart, it is much cheaper. I went to buy Yogurt and it was 93 cents a tub at Marsh compared to 50 cents at WM. Hello....that is almost DOUBLE and they only had 1 of the 3 flavors I like!!!!

Now for the BIG news......53 pds as of this morning:) I am thrilled. I am feeling a lot better and the pain in my back is not as bad. I am sooooo hoping the worse is over. I know I need to get alot more protein in but it is soooo hard. Last night I ate a little bit of Wendys chili and it was really good.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This Week

Well, this week I had to go in for a cat scan on Thursday and see the Dr on Friday. I actually DROVE myself on Thursday but had Hank go with me on Friday (good thing). When I went to the Dr she said I had fluid around my lungs, which I kind of knew since I was so out of breathe. They "tapped" me and took out almost a liter of fluid and let me say once my lung started to reinflate IT HURT LIKE HELL. I am hoping this works and the fluid stays away as the next step would surgically going in and breaking up the fluid and putting a drainage tube in. Keep your fingers and anything else crossed that this is it.
I go again next Friday for another cat scan and back to her the following Monday. They took the picc line out yesterday so I feel like a free women.

Good News is....drum roll please.....I had part of a smoothie yesterday and it was wonderful.
Other good news is as of today, which is a month since my surgery, I have lost 25 pds and I lost 2o on the pre diet so I have lost a total of 45 pds. Personally I think it should 100 for what I have been through since it has not been a easy or fun way to lose.
Thanks again to everyone who calls, offers to help with the kids and "babysit" me:) We apprecaite everything everyone has done.

Friday, January 05, 2007

3th Times the Charm!

Well, we are hoping the old saying 3th times the charm holds true as I have been back in the hospital all week. I woke up on the 1st in pain and then started with fevers and went back to the ER around 7 and have been there till today. I have 3 absecces (spelling) on my spleen from when I leaked last time. So I have been on IV antibotics all week and came home with a Central, Pecc line and have to stay on them for another week. One I take 3 times a day and the other 2 times a day.
Sooooo, I am hoping this is the END of the bad and the rest will all be GOOD. I feel better then I did last week at this time, so that is good.
Good news in I am down 39 pds:)
A BIG BIG thank you to Diane for bring me home from the hospital. Samantha for keeping Tyler over night and ALL day Thursday since Wednesday was not a good day for the kids and to DENISE for sitting at the hospital with me on Wednesday night till 10:00 when I knew I was dieing and being such a GREAT friend.