Sunday, February 15, 2009


Sectionals for swim is this week so the boys team bleached last week and then they color it blue and then other colors!!!
So Friday Nicholas was BLUE but after he swam he was more of a green blue. Then Saturday he made it purple, blue and pink. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring:) But on WEDNESDAY is is SHAVED!!! He is having a tom of fun with the team and I will miss when high school swim is over:)


2 kids...3 martinis said...

Loves it!

Suzanne said...

I like the latest color! it is so fun!!!

Bacardi Mama said...

This boy is keeping me in stitches. I miss the fun of school days with my kids.

Anonymous said...

you are so much more of a cool mom than i ever was....sounds like he is having a blast...

Laura L. said...

Wow! You are a sweet mom, and more laid back than me. :)
Found your blog through Colleen's.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

You are one cool mom letting him do his hair color like that and then letting him shave it! Peter is only 9 so I have just a few years before he wants to do something like that. By the way, you son looks a lot like Peter, but older!