Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I bought ME a little gift last week and it came TODAY!!! I figured this was the kind of gift that keeps giving and giving:)
I can not wait to try it out. It makes a gallon of Margaritas!!!

What can my reason be for having a party this week....
It honestly does NOT take a whole lot to make me REALLY HAPPY!!!


Suzanne said...

I know...the theme can be 'drink up as Suzanne is in town in 30 days"!!!

That thing is HUGE....

Hull Family said...

You HAVE to be sure it is in good working order before Suzanne comes, right?? You're such a good friend - the sacrifices you make...

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Be sure you keep your shirt on after emptying that thing a few times. The neighbors might have zoom lenses on their cameras and have a nice view into your backyard. Then you just might end up on the internet or something...all because of a margartia maker....

Steffie B. said...

I have been thinking about buying one of these? Do they work good??? Could you send me a sample??? lol