Saturday, April 12, 2008


Tyler's DI group came in 1st in their CHALLENGE (Obstacles) and is going to GLOBALS the end of MAY!!! This is in Tennessee! We NOW get to FUNDRAISING as it is $500 a kid plus the same for adults! We were SO PROUD of them!!!! It was a LONG day as we left by 730 and were not home till after 7 today. We had a 5 hour wait between our 2 challenges and the awards part. 4 families had to leave so it was only the coach and 3 kids there for the awards. They RAN up when there names were called and the moms sat there and SCREAMED and HUGGED (yes I CRIED)!!
We are SO darn excited for them!!


Suzanne said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yeah Tyler...this ALL about YOU and your TEAM. You will have an amazing time at Globals. What an experience.

susanb said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is so cool Tyler. We are very proud of you. This is a HUGE accomplishment!!!!

2 kids...3 martinis said...

YESSSSSS! I am so happy for you and that awesome little guy of yours! Both of your boys are so amazing...of course, I don't have to tell you that, but it is just a testament to what a wonderful mother you are Diana. Can't wait to see how things go in Tennessee. Will they be "World Champions" if they win there?