Tuesday, August 07, 2007

139 Days BUT who is Shopping Already..Oh that would be ME!!

Yes, in 139 short days it will be CHRISTMAS!!!! And YES, I made my first purchase for Christmas today. I love Amazon and got a couple great deals so I bought them.....so what does any GREAT friend do...you tell SUZANNE so she can buy the same thing that I bought for Christmas:)


Suzanne said...

And what a great friend you are....See we can still shop together even though we are 5000 miles apart!

ps...thanks for the heads up on those items too!!

Julie said...

You crack me up - you are still a champion shopper!!! I'm thinking you should get a part-time job at Target - think of the benfits!!!

Pug Mama said...

Funny! I was just saying last night to my hubs that I have to start!